Motorcyclist Dies on 110 Freeway – Causes, Liability, and Legal Support

On January 13, 2022, a fatal accident involving a motorcyclist occurred on the 110 freeway in South Los Angeles. Let’s explore the details of the news with Ehline Law and our personal injury attorneys.

Fatal Motorcycle Accident in South Los Angeles

It seems that tragic news is always around the corner, and last Friday, at around 6:14 AM, a traffic crash occurred in South LA that left a motorcyclist dead.

According to California Highway Patrol, the fatal crash happened on 110 freeway near Slauson Avenue, blocking traffic. When the CHP officers arrived, they closed off the area and rerouted the traffic to start their investigation into the motorcycle accident.

Motorcycle Accident Can Lead to Devastating Injuries and, in Some Cases, Death

A motorcycle does not offer adequate protection to its riders which is why even minor motorcycle accidents can lead to catastrophic injuries. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in 2019 reported that 14% of all fatal traffic accidents involved a motorcyclist.

Several statistics highlight the dangers of riding a motorcycle. Even if you’re careful, someone on the road might not be, especially since motorcycles are small vehicles and are not visible to many road users.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in LA

There are several causes of motorcycle accidents in Los Angeles, some of which include the following:

  • Distracted driving (talking on a smartphone device)
  • Drunk driving
  • Failing to follow the law
  • Manufacturer’s defect
  • Repair shop negligence.

Can You Recover Compensation After You Lose a Loved One in a Motorcycle Accident?

Under California personal injury law, surviving family members have the right to recover compensation after losing their loved one due to another’s negligence. However, before they can obtain monetary damages, they must prove the negligence of the at-fault driver.

The legal process can be complex, and there may be several hurdles along the way, which is why surviving family members must discuss the case with an experienced personal injury attorney to learn more about their rights.

Who Is Liable in a Motorcycle Accident?

In the “Motorcyclist dies on 110 freeway” incident, the CHP has not provided any information about the accident. It is important to note that there needs to be a proper investigation into the accident to determine the liable party.

Typically, there could be one or multiple parties responsible for the accident, including the following:

  • Motorcyclist
  • Another driver
  • Motorcycle manufacturer
  • Government entity.

It is essential for accident victims or surviving family members to speak to experienced personal injury attorneys to learn more about their legal options.

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help in a Wrongful Death Case?

There are several ways a skilled personal injury attorney can help with a wrongful death case, and some of these include the following:

  • Investigate the accident scene to determine the liable party.
  • Gather evidence such as pictures of the accident scene, any witnesses on the site at the time of the accident, CCTV footage, police report, and other evidence.
  • Assess and calculate the damages incurred.
  • Pursue a wrongful death claim against the negligent party’s insurance company and negotiate a fair settlement.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Ehline Law

Ehline Law is a leading personal injury law firm with more than 15 locations across California and Texas. If your loved one died due to another’s negligence, contact us at (833) LETS-SUE or visit our Los Angeles law office for a free consultation, as you may be eligible for compensation.